Reaping the Benefits of My Efforts
August 11, 2016
Reaping the Benefits of My Efforts

Dr. Laura:

I am so glad I decided to stay home to raise my two sons.  It was way more challenging than I ever thought it would be, but it was the best decision I ever made.  

When my firstborn son was a baby, I knew something wasn't quite right.  As he grew older, he showed an extreme sensitivity to touch and sound.  His speech was delayed and his coordination was poor.  He lacked eye contact.  As you probably guessed, he was diagnosed as autistic.  

Staying at home with him was often draining because of his flat affect.  I'd put out so much energy and enthusiasm and got little back.  I had to wait until he got older to reap the benefits of my efforts.  My son is now 16 years old, attending public high school and doing well.  I look back at those early days and can still feel the heartache, but there were also good times with my sweet little guy.  I'm so glad I gave 100% of myself then, so I can live with no regrets now.  I know I played a huge role in my son's eventual success, and even though no one ever acknowledges that, I give myself a pat on the back and say "Good job, Mom!"  Thank you so much for championing stay-at-home moms.


Posted by Staff at 10:59 AM