My Giving Man
September 10, 2015
My Giving Man

When I was dating my husband, I experienced a house fire that totally destroyed my home. All that was left was the frame. I did not have sufficient insurance to cover all the needed repairs. The contractor was going to take every bit of insurance money I did have and I would not have anything to replace the contents of my home. My husband came to my rescue. After working a 12 hour day at his job, he would come to my house and work until 2:00 in the morning. He would then go to his apartment for a few hours sleep before he had to be at work again. He would also work on it during the weekends. He did this for about 7-8 weeks rebuilding the interior of my house. It was during this time I realized I would spend the rest of my life loving this man. 

We were married the next year and just celebrated our 25th anniversary. He still is the most giving man I know. 

Thank you, Dr. Laura, for all you do to help raise men like my husband. 


Posted by Staff at 10:59 AM