May 7, 2010
'Yes' is a Good Thing - In Moderation
Icon'Yes' is a Good Thing - In Moderation By Laura Stack, The Productivity Proreg; Have you ever found yourself trying to make plans with a friend, just play with the kids, or do something fun for yourself, only to find your planner so full that "maybe next month" is the best you can do? If so, you probably have that old Ado Annie're "just a girl who cain't say no." We all want to feel like great parents, accomplished at work, and like we're giving back to the community. It is human nature to want success and to please others. It's good to feel that way - to be ambitious, to be busy, and to get things done. But how much is too much? "Yes" is a good thing - in moderation. Productivity doesn't mean filling every moment of every day with tasks that further some agenda. Prepare yourself for upcoming burnout if your schedule is so full that there isn't time for family, friends and yes - YOU. Because you are good at what you do, people will always ask for your help and your input. They want you to join another board, sew the costumes for the school play, or write the homeowner's association newsletter. Just because your calendar has a blank spot, it doesn't mean you have to say "yes" when someone wants to fill that time. Look at your priorities and take the time to set boundaries for yourself so that you only take on the tasks and activities you truly can and want to complete. What activities on your task list can you outsource? What can you eliminate completely? You know you're going to get a call or email soon saying "will you...?" Be prepared. Take a deep breath and say it with me - "No." See - it wasn't that hard, was it? Well, it may take some practice, but you CAN do it! It's OK to say "no" without guilt and without apology. Give yourself that permission right now. Your time is valuable. You simply have to leave some of it for yourself to enjoy those things in life which bring you pleasure and joy. That's the kind of time that is the juice which "recharges your battery" so that when you are on task you can be productive. Give yourself the gift of some time. You're worth it. (c) 2008 Laura Stack. Laura Stack ( ) is a motivational speaker who helps busy workers Leave the Office Earlierreg; with Maximum Results in Minimum Time#8482;. She is the president of The Productivity Proreg;, Inc., a time management firm specializing in productivity improvement in high-stress organizations. Since 1992, Laura has given presentations on improving output, lowering stress, and saving time in today's workplaces, for companies such as Microsoft, Starbucks, and 3M. She is the bestselling author of The Exhaustion Cure (2008); Find More Time (2006); and Leave the Office Earlier (2004). To have Laura speak at your event, call 303-471-7401. Permission granted for use on

Posted by Staff at 2:08 AM