May 7, 2010
Morality of Radio and TV
IconMorality of Radio and TV Bart Buskey Here it is almost Christmas time. If it wasn#146;t for mywife we wouldn#146;t have most of our Christmas shoppingdone. I tend to wait until the last week to get allthe presents. The subject I want to talk about doesn#146;t have a lot todo with Christmas. Well, it could, depending on if youare considering buying music and movies for yourchildren as presents. I want to talk about our responsibility as parentsabout what we let our children hear on TV and radio.Mostly I want to talk about the #147;F#148; word. I know some of you are saying that you can#146;t say the#147;F#148; word on TV or radio. Starting in 2004 the FCC hassaid that the #147;F#148; word can be used on TV and radioduring prime time if it is used as an adjective andnot a verb. Yes this is true. I believe that this is sad andwrong. Here is their ruling: One of our responsibilities as Stay at Home Dads is toprotect our children from this trash. Isn#146;t itinteresting that when #147;I Love Lucy#148; was on that eventhough they were married they slept in different bedson the show. During this era they couldn#146;t even saythe word pregnant on TV. Today the morality of TV and radio has changed.Morality on TV has gone down. It is ok to say justabout any word over the airways you want. You can talkabout having sex with animals or watch a couple havesex on TV. Is this really what we want our children tosee? I know I don#146;t. There are no TV shows that we canwatch together as a family anymore. I remember when I was a child there were shows that weused to watch as a family: Happy Days, The Waltons,Little House on the Prairie, Hee Haw, and such. Myparents didn#146;t have to worry about what was on TV. NowI have to watch the cartoons on Saturday morning tosee if my boys can watch them. It is really sad sinceI used to watch cartoons like the Bugs Bunny RoadRunner Show, Speed Buggy, Hong Kong Foey, Scooby Doo,and etc. Cartoons today do not even compare to what wehad. My parents knew there was nothing to worry aboutbut they always kept their ears open just in case. I am not going to debate about good and bad morality.I am saying that what is on TV is not good for ourchildren to see. The morality of what is on TV hasplummeted. It is our responsibility to watch andscreen what our children watch. We need to takeresponsibility in letting our congressmen,representatives, and the five commissioners on the FCCboard be told that we don#146;t approve of what is beingallowed on TV and radio. If you want to tell the abovethat you disapprove of what is happening on TV I wouldsuggest going to Let#146;s see if we can clean up TV. Let#146;s tell them we nolonger want to see naked men and women on TV. Let#146;stell them we want to get rid of the raunchy words thatare on TV and radio. Let#146;s tell them we need cleanwholesome family shows and to keep out the bad words. I am taking a stance and I hope you will follow. Take responsibility on what your children are watching. If there is nothing but trash on TV or the radio play a family game or go rent a good family movie like #147;Swiss Family Robinson#148; or #147;20,000 Leagues Under the Sea#148;, #147;Veggie Tales#148; or some good cartoon movies. Give your children a hug and tell them that you lovethem. Bart Buskey is a stay at home dad and homeschools hischildren. Bart also writes for the website called Fathers supporting Fathers is at . Permission granted for use on

Posted by Staff at 1:59 AM