Lifted My Spirits
October 9, 2017
Lifted My Spirits

Good Morning. 

Thank-you so much for one of your suggestions I heard on your program: If you are depressed, load up you iPod with happy songs and it will lift your spirits. Not sure of the exact quote, but you get the picture. 

I am a 68-year-old wife and mother. My husband has been in law enforcement for 40 years and 2 of our 3 sons are also in law enforcement. The other is overseas in not the best place in the world. Twelve years ago, we moved away from our lifetime home town for a new job and I have missed family and friends terribly. I have also had serious health issues for several years and on top of things, my 99-year-old mother just passed away. 

I am usually a very positive, upbeat person and was surprised I was feeling so down. I took a long look at my life and realized I had been through several tough things. When I was able to recognize why I was feeling the way I was, the idea of some of my favorite songs on an iPod sounded like the ticket I needed. I am not saying all is cured, but I can say I have so much to be thankful for and listening to upbeat music has helped a great deal. I won't mention all the songs I have downloaded, but there is one: Taylor Swift's "Shake It Off", the song the police officer was singing in his car. His dancing made me smile so much, I had to add it to my list. 

I have listened to you for years and to be frank, happy I have not really had the need to call, but hearing you speak to others obviously has helped me. So thank-you, thank-you for your wonderful service to others! You are the best... 


Posted by Staff at 10:58 AM