May 7, 2010
"Help! Im Freaking Out!"
Icon"Help! I#146;m Freaking Out!" By Chellie Campbell Author of " The Wealthy Spirit: Daily Affirmations for Financial Stress Reduction " "The Universe is responding to you in your NOW. So whatever you're feeling right NOW means that is what you are sending out vibrationally right NOW, which means that is what you are attracting to yourself right NOW, which means your future is FULL of a bunch of stuff that is gonna feel pretty much like right NOW feels." Abraham-Hicks Jenny, a bright and energetic producer/director emailed me in panic mode: #147;Have a minute to talk? I am stalled again, and I'm freaking! Am I ever gonna figure this stuff out?#148; I#146;ve been getting a bunch of these calls lately#151;every entrepreneur faces this feeling now and then. Your biggest client cancels. The computer develops some new strain of virus and it#146;s going to cost you in money and time to fix it. You#146;ve called 25 client prospects and all of them said, #147;No, thanks.#148; Now how are you going to pay the rent? The specter of the bag lady once again looms in your future and you want to scream. So what do you do when panic strikes? I know life gets tough sometimes. It#146;s hard to keep the faith, keep doing affirmations, and keep sending out ships when storms are blowing and it seems every ship sinks just outside the harbor. But that is all there is. There is no magic answer but that one. It is only your will and determination to succeed that will keep you going. You don#146;t try things to see if they will work out#151;you determine what you want to happen and you dedicate yourself to doing whatever it takes to make that happen. To say, #147;I#146;ll give this six months and see what happens#148; is not a mind-set that works. Freaking out is a HABIT. It feels comfortable because it is a HABIT. You are a freak-out junkie because it's a HABIT. Relax. God has a plan and you're on it. Trust. Do what you're supposed to do and expect you're good. If you need better skills in your chosen profession, take classes, read books, get a mentor or partner in the business who knows more than you. If you don't have enough clients, join a networking group, chamber of commerce, or start cold calling (oops, I mean GOLD calling) from the telephone book. People are always asking me, #147;How many meetings should I go to?#148; or #147;How many calls do I have to make?#148; My answer is: #147;As many as it takes to get the number of clients you want!#148; I make 75 phone calls a week for approximately 6 weeks prior to my workshop, and have about 35-40 enrollment conversations per week. I keep a ships log of statistics on my phone calls, so I know that#146;s what it takes to get my workshop filled. Your money is out there waiting for you, but you have to go get it. Affirmations work. The hardest time to do them is when you most need to do them. And you have to act your way into feeling happy and rich while you#146;re doing them! Your subconscious mind can#146;t tell the difference between the truth and a lie. So, eventually, what you tell it actually becomes true. But you can#146;t do affirmations for 5 minutes and then FREAK OUT for the other 23 hours and 55 minutes and expect FEEL GROOVY to magically descend upon you. You have to stop feeling the panic, as cushy and fine as it might feel to be a blameless victim of circumstance. Take responsibility. Picture what you want and feel good about already having it. That#146;s faith and belief in action. What you want shows up after that, not before. So I called Jenny, and after about 2 minutes of sympathy, I asked, #147;So how many phone calls did you make last week?#148; She hemmed and hawed and talked about emails, and I said, #147;How many phone calls?#148; #147;Um, three#133;#148; she answered. #147;I#146;m going to hang up now,#148; I said gently. #147;Call me back when you#146;ve made fifty.#148; Today#146;s Affirmation: #147;I have the happy habit and all good things are mine!#148; Chellie Campbell is the author of The Wealthy Spirit: Daily Affirmations for Financial Stress Reduction , selected as one of Dr. Laura#146;s book recommendations in March, 2003. She created and teaches the Financial Stress Reductionreg; Workshops on which her book is based in the Los Angeles area and gives programs throughout the country. Her free e-newsletter is available at . Permission granted for use on

Posted by Staff at 1:46 AM