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Ultimate Guide to Marriage

Email of the Day: A Simple Act of Kindness Changed the Mood

By Dr. Laura on September 24, 2021
A Simple Act of Kindness Changed the Mood

My husband and I both had a busy day recently, and neither one of us wanted to make dinner. We agreed that we would order out instead, and my husband would pick it all up on his way home from work. When he walked in the door with dinner, I could see on his face that he was tired and wasn’t in the greatest mood.


Instead of complaining or nagging, I changed my outlook on the situation. I took advice I’d heard you give on your show, and walked up behind him. I gave him a big hug and whispered a big thank you to him. He turned around and give me a big kiss, which set the mood for the rest of the evening.


I never would have thought such a simple act of kindness would have such a wonderful impact on the end of our day.



A Simple Act of Kindness Changed the Mood


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Order Dr. Laura's book: "How Could You Do That?!: The Abdication of Character, Courage and Conscience" - illustrates Dr. Laura Schlessinger's philosophy of personal responsibility through her usually provocative but always stimulating moral dialogues with callers about everyday ethical dilemmas.

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