The Dr. Laura Program | Heard Daily on SiriusXM Triumph 111 & The Call of the Day Podcast

Email of the Day: A Simple Plan

Written by Dr. Laura | 6/29/21 8:15 AM

I heard you read a beautiful message from a woman who said her parents had been married 70 years, and you remarked that you didn’t think you’d heard of anyone being married that long. I wanted you to know that my parents made it to 74 years before my sweet daddy passed away last summer. In 1946, after he returned from serving in the Marines in World War II, they went to the local Justice of the Peace. They had a homemade wedding dinner and a homemade wedding cake for the reception, which was attended by immediate family. They never had a honeymoon and never left Texas their whole marriage.


My brother and I learned firsthand that elaborate weddings, honeymoons and trips don’t do much to contribute to the overall success of marriage. Staying grounded in reality, working hard, living within their financial means, staying close to their kinfolk and teaching us to do the same things in our own ways were the means to their successful life. I saw it work for 74 years, and none of us want anything less for ourselves.


While it wasn’t always easy, the simplicity of the plan is what we cling to today. My brother has been married to the same girl for 45 years, and I’m still head-over-heels for my hubby of 42 years. Our kids and grandkids are following the plan as well. I believe the best gift we can give our kids is neither a lavish wedding nor a down payment for a house they do not have to work for, but a lifelong example of how to be married. My parents gave us plenty of material things, but nothing can compare to a 74-year-long marriage, lived one day at a time.



A Simple Plan