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Email of the Day: A Teachable Moment With My Young Son

By Dr. Laura on March 15, 2022
Email of the Day: A Teachable Moment With My Young Son

When my son was in fifth grade, he was an excellent student, but struggled in his β€œkeyboarding” class (that’s what we used to call β€œtyping” class). So, I started to sit near him while he practiced ten minutes a day on the keyboarding exercises from his workbook. After a few sessions, he wanted to stop. β€œI hate this,” he said, and then gave me what he thought was the killer argument: β€œIt’s hurting my self-esteem!”


Here, I thought, was a teachable moment! I explained that self-esteem does NOT come from choosing only activities that come easily or at which we can naturally succeed. Self-esteem comes from persistence, sticking with tasks that are hard, working through them, and attaining the feeling of accomplishment that comes from pushing through to success at the other end. He heard me, and he β€œgot” it.


That life lesson served him well in bigger challenges that came later in his life. He’s now a thriving 35-year-old (although I’m pretty sure he still does most of his typing with two fingers).



A Teachable Moment With My Young Son




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