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Bad Childhood

Email of the Day: Bad Childhood, Great Life

By Dr. Laura on September 23, 2024
Email of the Day: Bad Childhood, Great Life

I read your book “Bad Childhood, Good Life" and wanted to tell you how much it has helped me. I am a product of an affair my mother had on her first husband. My mother divorced and remarried my stepfather when I was 4 years old. My stepfather was verbally abusive and sexually abusive. My mother did nothing to protect me and allowed it to continue. I moved out at 17 and had some terrible relationships before meeting my husband.


I recently cut my stepfather out of my life and my mother can't understand why I won't allow my kids to be around him. She didn't protect her own child, why would my kids be any different? When I remind her of the things he did to me she tells me I'm lying. My siblings say I need to move on and keep peace in the family.


After reading your book I know now I do not have to be around toxic people. My husband and kids are my top priorities. I am very blessed to have been given a wonderful man and three wonderful children. I have stopped the cycle of abuse and will no longer accept abusive behavior. I am much happier surrounding myself with loving people and relationships. I can't thank you enough, Dr. Laura, for helping me and others stick to our morals. Keep up the great work!




Bad Childhood, Great Life


Have you broken an unhealthy cycle? Tell me how you did it by emailing drlaura@drlaura.com!



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- September 27, 2024
