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Email of the Day: How I Find Real Joy in Life

By Dr. Laura on June 5, 2023
Older man in yellow button-up is embraced by family members of all ages

I listened to a young father on your program who was lamenting the fact that his wife and mother of his young children was more interested in her career than in raising the children and being a wife. He sounded like a very nice man who had not chosen wisely, but dejectedly acknowledged that he had the responsibility to fill that void for his children and was going to do just that.



I thought of how lucky I am to have chosen wisely, even though I did not have the benefit of your wisdom some 33 wonderful years of marriage ago. But you did help my marriage and relationship with my children in incalculable ways by helping me realize that relationships are not about what I get or β€œwhat’s in it for me.” Your guidance has allowed me to find the real joy in my life, which is not in material possessions or career recognition, but in doing for my wife and family and seeing the impact I have on improving their lives every day. I always pass this advice on to young people asking how my wife and I have made our marriage last, and I hope it has at least given them pause to think about how to have a lasting marriage.



How I Find Real Joy in Life


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