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P.C.F.H. / Marriage 101

Email of the Day: I Participate When My Husband Is “In the Mood”

By Dr. Laura on July 5, 2022
Email of the Day:  I Participate When My Husband Is “In the Mood”

I’m a recovered feminist and I quit my job to take care of my husband and two kids full-time. One specific thing you said really helped and that was for me to be a willing participant when my husband wants sex, whenever he wants it. If I wait until I’m “in the mood,” it might never happen (particularly with two kids), but if I go along when he’s in the mood, I usually get into it and then it’s a win-win for both of us. That was a big revelation for me, and my husband thanks you for that!


I also learned that working full-time was causing almost all of the problems I was having in my household: commuting, dealing with work stress, rushing to pick up the kids, rushing to make dinner, rush..rush..rush. I was so overwhelmed that I was too tired for everything. My husband and I were constantly at odds with each other, stuff wasn’t getting done around the house, and my kids were not getting the time they needed from me. Once I eliminated my job, suddenly, there was time for the most important thing in my life – my family.


My husband needs my time too…period. If I don’t have the time for my husband, someone else will find the time for him. Thank you!



Why I Willingly Participate When My Husband Is “In the Mood”




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