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Email of the Day: I Was Dead Wrong

By Dr. Laura on September 3, 2024
Email of the Day: I Was Dead Wrong

Today while listening to your program, I heard a call about a husband who didn't initiate sex anymore. When you spoke to that husband, I felt as if you were speaking to me too! My husband and I have been married almost 30 years. Up until about 5 years ago, our sex life was amazing. It was frequent and we both initiated all the time. I don't know when, but somewhere along the line I quit initiating. I quit wanting to cuddle. Sex only happened when I wanted it to, and that's not often. When you explained to that husband that this wasn’t the way to show love, that touched my heart.


My husband doesn't complain. However, he does ask a lot for the closeness and connection that comes from sex and cuddling. I knew he wanted the intimacy that I wasn't giving. I thought it was OK to be indifferent to my husband's needs and have sex only when I wanted it. That call made me realize that I was dead wrong. I'm doing my husband a disservice by not showing him how much I love and care for him. I do want him to feel the connection and my love. I promise that our love life changes tonight!


Thank you, Dr Laura, for all that you do.




I Was Dead Wrong


How did you realize you fell into a complacent routine of sex, and how did you change it? Share your story with me by emailing drlaura@drlaura.com!



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