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Email of the Day: I’m Not Your Friend; I’m Your Mom!

By Dr. Laura on August 5, 2020
Email of the Day: I’m Not Your Friend; I’m Your Mom!

On your program, I’ve heard you explain to many moms that their job is not to be their child’s friend, but to train them and turn them into responsible adults.  I was brought up by a mother who used the phrase “I’m not your friend; I’m your Mom!”  This drove me crazy as a kid.


Several of my friends’ moms tried to be their “buddies,” and back then, I remember thinking that their moms were “so cool!”  Deep down, however, I knew that my mom was right.  I had lots of friends, and I didn’t need her to be another one.  She always stood up for what was right, and although I was quite rebellious, she never wavered.  I am grateful that she brought me up to understand what a mother’s job truly is.  My mama didn’t raise a snowflake!

Thanks for your sound advice which helps me every single day.


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