The Dr. Laura Program | Heard Daily on SiriusXM Triumph 111 & The Call of the Day Podcast

Email of the Day: I'm Pushing Myself To Physical Health

Written by Dr. Laura | 8/28/23 8:15 AM

Thank you for guiding your listeners in maintaining physical health, and for making it clear how you take care of your physical health on a daily basis. We know you sail, we know you eat right, and we know you do deadlifts and squats in the gym.


It’s the squats that resonate with me. Today, at the ripe old age of 59, and after squatting for about ten years, I successfully squatted 315 pounds (six plates)!


Was it easy? NO. Was my depth great? Ummm….no. But I did it. I pushed myself, despite concerns that my “personal bests” were behind me, because I asked myself WWDLD – “What Would Dr. Laura Do?” The answer left me with no other choice.


Thank you for pushing me. If I can do this at 59, then I can be right there with you ten years from now. Something will eventually force me to stop, but that something will have to be powerful enough to overtake your loud, nagging, wonderful voice in my head!




I'm Pushing Myself To Physical Health