The Dr. Laura Program | Heard Daily on SiriusXM Triumph 111 & The Call of the Day Podcast

Email of the Day: I'm Taking the Dr. Laura Challenge

Written by Dr. Laura | 8/16/22 8:15 AM

I heard a call from a woman who no longer loved her husband. You advised her to be sweet, nice and loving to him for a month.


I took this to heart. My husband and I have a two-year-old daughter, and since she was born, our relationship has tanked. I never consider divorce. I want her to have every advantage of a two-parent household, even if that means sacrificing my happiness.


I decided to write the number β€œ31” on our chalkboard in the kitchen. I am determined to be nice and loving to my husband for 31 days and see how it changes our relationship. I am only four days in, and I have to say it’s working! I no longer have a knot in my stomach when I think about my husband coming home from work, nor do I dread talking to him.


27 more days to go!



I'm Taking the Dr. Laura Challenge