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P.C.F.H. / Marriage 101

Email of the Day: My Behavior Shocked My Husband

By Dr. Laura on November 2, 2022
Email of the Day: My Behavior Shocked My Husband

As the mom of a toddler, it was sometimes hard to put in the effort to be my husband’s girlfriend, even though from listening to you I knew what could happen if I didn’t.


So, when my husband was out of town for work, I decided to surprise him with some sexy lingerie when he returned. I wasn’t completely happy with my body and I didn’t ever wear lingerie. So, I went to an “adult” store and found a very racy outfit. I felt good just buying it, knowing how shocked he would be! I put on the lingerie, did my hair, makeup, and put on some very high stilettos. I then greeted him at the door when he arrived. He was floored! He said he didn’t think I had it in me, and if I wanted anything, now was the time to ask!! It's amazing how something so small, fun, and sexy brought intimacy and excitement back in a flash.


So, to all those women out there – don’t be a nag! Be a sexy wife, and you’ll get more than what you are hoping for. You truly “get” it, Dr. Laura, and my husband and I thank you very much!



My Behavior Shocked My Husband



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