The Dr. Laura Program | Heard Daily on SiriusXM Triumph 111 & The Call of the Day Podcast

Email of the Day: My Expectations Were Never Too High

Written by Dr. Laura | 2/14/24 9:15 AM

My dad taught me to always consider myself on a pedestal. Friends used to tease me, saying my expectations were too high. But I believe the standards I set for myself helped me find a man who not only respected my pedestal but has never allowed me to step down from it. I haven’t touched a door handle since we started dating 8 years ago!


The first person to make me cry on my wedding day was my DAD! He gave me a big bear hug first thing in the morning and told me, “You’ve chosen wisely, now you have to remember to treat kindly.” While I know I won’t be the perfect wife to my husband 100% of the time, I’m going to work hard to get as close to it as I can.



With much love,


My Expectations Were Never Too High


With Valentine's Day happening this week, I want to hear your stories about treating kindly. Click the button below or email your stories to me at!