The Dr. Laura Program | Heard Daily on SiriusXM Triumph 111 & The Call of the Day Podcast

Email of the Day: My Marriage Was In Deep Trouble

Written by Dr. Laura | 12/4/23 9:15 AM

Over twenty years ago, my marriage was in deep trouble, and I was about to give up. I heard you give a caller some advice saying nothing was more important than staying together until the children were grown. Then you said if you treat your spouse better, you can almost guarantee that your spouse will do the same. I forced myself to do that, and it worked! Our marriage is stronger than ever.


We just went through the most difficult year of our lives. My husband was diagnosed with leukemia a year ago. We were told he had only 3-6 months to live if he didn’t fight it with the strongest treatment available. He was in the hospital for a month last December, and then again for another month in April for a stem cell transplant. He is now in remission, and there isn’t a day I don’t thank God he is still here with me. After 37 years of marriage, I love him more than ever. I wanted to thank you, because if I hadn’t listened to you, I would have given up years ago.




My Marriage Was In Deep Trouble