The Dr. Laura Program | Heard Daily on SiriusXM Triumph 111 & The Call of the Day Podcast

Email of the Day: My Used Couch Taught Me A Valuable Lesson

Written by Dr. Laura | 4/7/22 8:15 AM

Several years ago, my husband and I bought a couch from friends. At the time, we couldn’t afford a new couch, and we were pleased as punch to get one in such great condition at a low price.


A year after we bought it, I found myself scrubbing out crumbs and other messes. When the couch was in our friends’ home, it was neat and clean all the time. I thought in our house it now looked lumpy in spots and there were marks that wouldn’t come out with scrubbing. I felt jealous that other people were able to have nice furniture and we could not. Then I realized that my friend who previously owned the couch worked outside the home and sent her kids to preschool and daycare, and never had to spend time cleaning the couch, because they were never ON that couch! We, on the other hand, LIVED on that couch. It was a fort on rainy days, a snuggle haven during family movies, and it’s still a favorite spot for my husband and me to reconnect after the kids are in bed.


I could admire the couch because it bore all the markings of wonderful, wonderful memories. I know that the quality of my possessions in no way measures up to the quantity of time I get to spend with my favorite people. And that’s just the way I want it!



My Used Couch Taught Me A Valuable Lesson