The Dr. Laura Program | Heard Daily on SiriusXM Triumph 111 & The Call of the Day Podcast

Email of the Day: Please Save Your Love Letters for Your Kids!

Written by Dr. Laura | 2/29/24 9:15 AM

Before my father passed away, he gave me a wallet for safekeeping. The night he passed away; I opened that wallet. To our surprise, my dad collected all the love letters that my parents sent to each other! I just had to share my favorite:


On February 9, 1980, I performed certain services at your home which required several hours of my personal time. This is to inform you that there is a charge for these services.


You were served a delicious lunch, I ironed your clothes, and while this letter is being written, your dinner is cooking on the stove. My fee for these services is as follows:


For each article ironed and each meal prepared and served: one wild and crazy love-making session: 11 x 1 = 11 sessions (each session must last at least 30 minutes). This debt may be paid in one lump sum (11 sessions in one 24-hour period) or you may prefer my easy installment plan.


Please meet me in your bedroom any night of your choosing to make arrangements for payment of this debt. Let me hear from you soon.





Warmest regards,


Please Save Your Love Letters for Your Kids!


How has your spouse shown their love to you? Click the button below or email your stories to me at!