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Do The Right Thing

Email of the Day: Thank You For All The Things I Didn’t Do

By Dr. Laura on November 29, 2021
Email of the Day: Thank You For All The Things I Didn’t Do

As I approached my mid-30s, even though I knew time was of the essence, I still did not make hasty decisions with the men I was dating. I took time to get to know them, and unfortunately, that meant ruling many of them out, even though I knew that meant risking my dreams of being a mom through the traditional definition. But I loved my future children too much to bring them into this world just to check off some “to do” list for women in their 30s.

Because of listening to you, I have to thank you for all the things I chose NOT to do, and for all the things I DID choose. Here are just a few:

  1. I didn’t marry, because the men I dated wouldn’t have been wise choices.

  2. Consequently, I didn’t put children through a needless divorce because I didn’t choose wisely in a husband.

  3. I didn’t shack up either.

  4. When friends suggested I just have a child on my own, I did not. I didn’t freeze eggs, put my body through IVF treatment as a single woman or go get knocked up at the local pub just to be part of the “mom” club.

  5. I did not ignore all of the other ways there are to be maternal and to be a positive force in a child’s life.

  6. I did not close my mind or heart to the idea of being a foster parent or part of a Big Sister program – all the ways there are to give love to children who are already here on this earth.

  7. I did not spend long mourning the fact that I’d never know the magical kick from someone growing inside my body. Instead, I dreamed NEW dreams for myself, and know that there is richer happiness and deeper meaning that lies ahead for me because of those choices.



    Thank You For All The Things I Didn’t Do



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