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Email of the Day: The Importance of Facts Over Feelings

By Dr. Laura on May 6, 2024
Red tarn is wound up in heart shape while crossing over brain-shape being made out of yarn

Thank you for continuing to talk about facts over feelings. This has helped me in so many ways in my life, especially through Covid, relationships, friendships and making daily decisions.


We left California during Covid in June of 2020, knowing the facts. We knew that it would be a great move for us to be closer to our extended family. Now, we're living a happy, stress-free, calm life in Mississippi.


Your advice coupled with my faith have helped make my life much easier and less stressful. I hope you continue sharing the philosophy and the importance of facts over feelings! It has truly made a difference in my life. Keep preaching and teaching like you do so well!!




Cindy from Mississippi

The Importance of Facts Over Feelings


Has something I said resonated with you? What changes forced did it force you to make? Send me a message to drlaura@drlaura.com!


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