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Email of the Day: The Power of Touch

By Dr. Laura on September 27, 2021
Email of the Day: The Power of Touch

I recently read a blog post you wrote about the importance of touch. My late mother would always connect with me by touching me in some small way. Touch speaks a language that overcomes time and even death. I still connect with my mother, but it’s through the memories of the way she made me feel, not by what she said.


I have five boys and each of them is very different in the amount of physical touch that they need or want. I have a special bond with each of them and the ways I connected with them as children are expressions of the way they lovingly treat me now. Each hug is unique, individual and very special.


Thank you for reminding me that touch is a timeless language. It reaches the heavens and back, and is endless and magical.



The Power of Touch




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