The Dr. Laura Program | Heard Daily on SiriusXM Triumph 111 & The Call of the Day Podcast

Email of the Day: The Rewards of Being a Stay-At-Home Mom

Written by Dr. Laura | 6/29/23 8:45 AM

I’ve been married almost 38 years, and we have eight children. I’m proud to say my career is being a wife and mom who does it at home. I didn’t always feel good about it, however. I was a high school valedictorian who felt less than great about myself for not being a college graduate. I loved raising my own babies and making a nice home for our family, but I felt “lacking” in some way.



When my oldest graduated from college, I vicariously enjoyed that moment as if WE did that. It was tangible evidence that my job meant something. We’ve got one child still left at home, but all have done well with their chosen paths. Sometimes, the rewards of being a stay-at-home mom take YEARS to see. It’s a hard job and not always fun, but one day, when you look around and see them grown up and living good lives, you know it was all worth it. We had financial struggles the whole time, but no other career or extra income would have contributed more to my children’s success than the fact that I was home with them when they came through the door. They had a hard-working good man for a father as an example to them as well.


Keep encouraging moms in their desires to raise their own babies. Validation does come, not in the form of a paycheck or compliment from a boss, but from seeing your kids grow up and fulfill their potential.



The Rewards of Being a Stay-At-Home Mom