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Email of the Day: What Happens When You Educate a Woman

By Dr. Laura on February 23, 2023
A group of people of all ages looks up and smiles

It was my first day at a large Christian university in the 1970s. I was in my first class. I still remember the words my professor spoke:

If you educate a man, you educate a man.

If you educate a woman, you educate a whole family.



Whenever someone has said that I had β€œwasted” my education, I always say, β€œExcuse me, but I am now prepared for the most important career on the planet. I am a mom and I have significant people that I serve.” It’s all about being competent for the greatest gig a woman can offer to the most critical people in the world.


Just call me the grandmother of 19 grandchildren who have never been in daycare, and are loved at home by moms who have always prioritized education and being powerful CEOs for the greatest agency – HOME.



What Happens When You Educate a Woman


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