The Dr. Laura Program | Heard Daily on SiriusXM Triumph 111 & The Call of the Day Podcast

Email of the Day: What I Learned from a High School Sports Teacher

Written by Dr. Laura | 3/10/21 9:15 AM

I was on a field hockey team when I was a sophomore in high school. We lost almost all our games that year. We were ahead in one game, but in the last 60 seconds, the other team scored twice. I was not on the field, but I slammed down my stick against the ground and swore under my breath. It was obvious to everyone that I was angry.


The head of the girls’ athletic program was at the game, and she came over and reamed me out for my lack of sportsmanship and crude behavior. She said I represented the school, and this display of anger was not appropriate. I was steamed at her, of course. I did take in what she said, though, and over the years have used this lesson of self-control and positive attitude even when I was in a losing position.


I had this woman as my teacher later when I was a senior. I didn’t really like her much, but I learned self-discipline in that class. I was able to set goals in her class and achieve them. Many students didn’t like her, but she helped me get an award as an “All-Around Athlete” my senior year. I guess I had shown her that I had taken her lessons to heart.



What I Learned from a Tough High School Sports Teacher