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P.C.F.H. / Marriage 101

Email of the Day: Your Book Sparked a Group Conversation Among Strangers

By Dr. Laura on November 21, 2023
A group of three people sit around table in restaurant and look down at Dr. Laura's book, "Proper Care and Feed of Husbands"

When my husband and I were out for a date night, we were talking about one of your books, and a couple nearby overheard us. The woman asked us which book we were talking about, so we told her. She had heard of you, but never listened or read any of your books.


My husband started to tell her of this β€œproper care and feeding of husbands” thing that I do that changed his life. He told her that the simple task of my bringing him a hot cup of coffee each morning has made him a better husband. The woman told him that she thought the man should wait on the woman, and my husband said, β€œWell, to quote Dr. Laura, call me when you husband finds someone new!” Then another couple joined the conversation, and the woman in that couple also thought the man should wait on the woman. It was priceless to see these husbands looking hopeful as MY husband tried to convince their wives otherwise. No such luck, but my husband WAS able to convince about ten guys who were there for a β€œboys’ night out” that your book would make a great gift.


We’re now known as β€œThe Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands” couple. Never a better compliment as far as I’m concerned!




Your Book Sparked a Group Conversation Among Strangers


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