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Blog: The Difference Between Kindness and Weakness

By Dr. Laura on December 5, 2022
Woman in black shirt holds her head while sitting in front of a laptop

Far too many people misuse the concept and idea of kindness. Tolerating things that are unacceptable is not being nice - itโ€™s being passive and weak. Nice is a quality of an individual. Passive and weak is a lack of action and a refusal to deal with things. You can deal with things in a nice manner, but not dealing with them and bowing to somebody elseโ€™s strengths and desires is not you being nice.

You need to tell folks when you think their behavior is unacceptable. We all have a right to express what weโ€™re thinking and feeling, especially when weโ€™re being hurt. Staying quiet when youโ€™re treated poorly only gives someone permission to continue hurting you. You arenโ€™t being mean when you ask people to treat you kindly and with respect.

Help those who want to be helped, but donโ€™t keep begging people to be happier if they are refusing. Share your kindness with those who will embrace being uplifted. Take stands, give your opinion, and follow your beliefs because kindness does not mean weakness.




Originally published 01/18/2018






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