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Bad Childhood

Email of the Day: I Did What My Parents Couldn’t

By Dr. Laura on May 7, 2024
Man and woman walk next to each other while both hold a baby in their arms

I was barely eight years old when I saw my dad’s packed suitcases by the door. I loved him. He and I were like two peas in a pod. Sure, I saw my parents slug it out. But leaving me behind? It changed everything. I became so insecure and afraid of abandonment. My father even disowned me after I graduated high school while pregnant with my now-husband. Sadly, my mom didn't treat me any better.


I raised our child without my parents’ help. My only goal was to ensure my baby had two parents forever. One baby led to eight more! I was a stay-at-home mom — boy, did I initially feel inferior to the working moms! But after working at a daycare, I saw how much those kids preferred me over their own parents. I ended up homeschooling all of my kiddos, which was the best decision I ever made.


Almost all my babies are out of the house with families of their own. It’s an honor to hear some of them tell me that they also want to be stay-at-home moms. I used to feel like my whole life was a failure. But these grown kids LOVE me! I feel like I did something right. We don’t have the family issues that my parents put me through. I love my in-laws so much. My plan was to have a family that liked each other — or at least tolerated each other! Our family has exceeded my expectations.




I Did What My Parents Couldn’t


How did overcoming your obstacles impact you? What sort of challenges shaped the person you are today? Share your story with me by sending an email to drlaura@drlaura.com!


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