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Email of the Day: I Wish I Could Write This to My Mom

By Dr. Laura on August 2, 2023
Hand holds pen while writing in notebook, "Dear mom," with tulips on the left side

I’m writing to you, because I cannot write to my own mom. You’ve been more of a mother to me by your values and example than mine has ever been. My family doesn’t support each other very much. My father passed away ten years ago, and he was always the voice of reason and grounding for us, especially after he and my mom divorced after 33 years of marriage. We all miss his insights and wisdom, but I’m grateful for his presence and sticking with my mother, even though he should have run away years earlier. So, this is my letter I wish I could have written to her.



Even though I had no mothering growing up, I chose well and married a great husband. We had two boys and sacrificed to make sure they got what they needed to feel loved and supported as they grew up. They’re now in their twenties and are two kind, compassionate, humble, and responsible humans. They’re college-educated, self-sufficient, independent, grateful and are both making their way in the world in admirable ways. One recently worked very hard to pay off all his student debt (and he did it in just three years).


I know my dad would be proud of them and their accomplishments. I ache not being able to share this news with him nor with my siblings (who don’t seem to celebrate these milestones). We are thankful we made all the sacrifices we did. We don’t regret any of it and appreciate you for being our guiding light along the way.




I Wish I Could Write This to My Mom


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