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Email of the Day: My Husband Adored His Grandparents

By Dr. Laura on December 12, 2023
Older man embraces an older woman, male teen and female teen

Shortly after we met and started dating, my future husband took me to meet his grandparents, who played a very large part in his life. A perfect โ€œdate nightโ€ would involve him fly fishing with his grandfather, and then meeting up with me at his grandparentsโ€™ house, where weโ€™d have dinner and play cards until late at night. We always had a lot of laughs, and I learned much about family, life and love from those kinds of dates.


I fell in love with a man who adored his grandparents, and of course, I fell in love with them, too. His grandfather even served as best man at our wedding. Weโ€™ve lost both of them now, but seeing my husbandโ€™s character through those irreplaceable moments truly made my love for him grow. We always say that those are memories that no one else will have. They are a layer to our foundation.


Thank you, Dr. Laura for being a huge part of our foundation too. We always joke that you are my husbandโ€™s mom, my mother-in-law, and our sonโ€™s grandma. You would be proud of all of us.




My Husband Adored His Grandparents


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