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Email of the Day: The Benefits of Working From Home

By Dr. Laura on November 28, 2023
Man talks on phone while smiling as a woman stands behind him while feeding a baby in her arms

I am fortunate to have had a mom whose job was to raise my sister and me, and I know that I’m a better person because of it. My wife and I have two young children and both of us have the opportunity to be at home with them. My wife works part-time at home, and I work full time at home with occasional travel. While this arrangement isn’t without its occasional hardships, the benefits far outweigh the minor inconveniences. My wife and I love being able to spend more quality time with our children and share the responsibility of care, and it really has been a wonderful experience.


The restrictions created by the pandemic and the rise of streaming meeting platforms has opened more options for people who want to work remotely. Anyone in your listening audience who has the opportunity to work from home (even part-time) should jump at the chance. Spending more time with the kids, sleeping better, feeling better overall, as well as spending less on gas and car maintenance or going out to lunch are just the few benefits I have enjoyed. I’ve found that I’m more productive at home as well. I can find a place to work and get things done without co-worker distraction and time-wasting commuting.




The Benefits of Working From Home


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