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🎧 Deep Dive Podcast:



Topic: Childhood


Call of the Day Podcast: Can We Have a Phone?
By Dr. Laura on July 11, 2021

12-year-olds Toland and Shaetuck want Dr. Laura's opinion on tweens and phones. Dr. Laura: "Kids generally do not have the maturity and self-restraint to be responsible with smartphones."

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Call of the Day Podcast: I'm Having Friend Trouble
By Dr. Laura on June 13, 2021

12-year-old Nina has a friend who teases her about being flat-chested. Dr. Laura: "Don't go to war with a mean girl. Just slowly back away."

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Call of the Day Podcast: We Can't Stop Fighting - Part II
By Dr. Laura on May 21, 2021

Listen to this follow up call with 6-year-old Teddy and 8-year-old Olivia who argue a lot. Dr. Laura: "It's good to be good to one another."

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Call of the Day Podcast: We Can't Stop Fighting - Part I
By Dr. Laura on May 19, 2021

6-year-old Teddy and 8-year-old Olivia argue a lot and call in with mom for Dr. Laura's advice on how to stop. Dr. Laura: "Find ways each day to do something special and nice for each...

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Call of the Day Podcast: My Daughter Isn't Pushing Herself
By Dr. Laura on April 27, 2021

Nyelli was an excellent student in elementary school, but now that she's in junior high, her father says she has been slacking off. Dr. Laura: "Keep yourself motivated with breaks and...

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Call of the Day Podcast: I Annoy My Sister
By Dr. Laura on April 18, 2021

8-year-old Jayden calls in to discuss how to stop picking on his sister. Dr. Laura: "Physical activity helps reduce boredom, anger and annoying behavior."

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Call of the Day Podcast: I Don't Want to Move!
By Dr. Laura on March 30, 2021

11-year-old Brooke's family is moving, and she fears leaving her friends behind and going to a new school. Dr. Laura: "Every step we take in life prepares us for the next challenge."

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Call of the Day Podcast: I Don't Enjoy Playing the Piano
By Dr. Laura on March 14, 2021

Thomas is ready to stop practicing piano in favor of playing the saxophone, but he and his mom, Kim, worry that his father will be angry and disallow it. Dr. Laura: "Parents must each...

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Call of the Day Podcast: I Lie to My Parents
By Dr. Laura on March 7, 2021

13-year-old Jonathan has a problem with lying and calls in with his mom to explain why. Dr. Laura: β€œMake a decision to tell the truth even when it's scary and uncomfortable.”

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