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Topic: Courage


Email of the Day: My Dad Quietly Helped His Employeeโ€™s Family
By Dr. Laura on August 19, 2021

My father owned an insurance agency for thirty years. At its peak, he employed up to a dozen people. My father was a good man, respected in the community, chamber of commerce president, a...

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Email of the Day: I Followed My Conscience and Pursued My Heartโ€™s Desire
By Dr. Laura on August 18, 2021

On occasion, I've heard you ask a caller, "What is your gift?" It got me pondering...well, what is MY gift? Despite being a successful lawyer at a big firm, at first, I really couldn't...

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Email of the Day: I Accepted Responsibility for My Actions
By Dr. Laura on August 17, 2021

The first time I took personal responsibility (as a teen) set the stage for how I approached it the rest of my life. When I was around 16 and hadnโ€™t taken driverโ€™s ed classes yet, my...

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Email of the Day: My Daughter Showed Her True Character
By Dr. Laura on August 16, 2021

Many years ago, I went to my 13-year-old daughterโ€™s school to pick her up. While I was in the office waiting for her, her phys ed teacher recognized me and said โ€œYou know how teachers bust...

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Call of the Day Podcast: I'm Another Satisfied Customer!
By Dr. Laura on August 15, 2021

Week of Character, Courage & Conscience: Not only did Dr. Laura's advice help Judy solve the friend problem she originally called in about, it led to a realization about her relationship...

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Call of the Day Podcast: What Do You Regret?
By Dr. Laura on August 15, 2021

Week of Character, Courage & Conscience: Dr. Laura asks listeners to call in and talk about a time they chickened out and why they wish they hadn't. Dr. Laura: "What have you missed out...

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Call of the Day Podcast: I Want to Be a Man
By Dr. Laura on August 14, 2021

Week of Character, Courage & Conscience: 22-year-old Tirin was a teen father who ran away from his responsibility, but now he's taking on the task of protecting and raising three children.

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YouTube: Coping With Your Physical Limitations | Certified Trainer Ben Koski
By Dr. Laura on August 13, 2021

When a knee injury destroyed Ben Koski's hard-fought pro-volleyball career, he rebuilt his health and his life. I talk to a man of conviction, courage and character about changing your...

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COTD Podcast: Life's Better When I'm Being Honest With Myself
By Dr. Laura on August 13, 2021

Week of Character, Courage & Conscience: Christina was 38 with three children when she married for all the wrong reasons. After calling Dr. Laura earlier this year, she has transformed her...

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