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Topic: Courage


Call of the Day Podcast: Being Strong vs. Showing Weakness
By Dr. Laura on August 12, 2021

Week of Character, Courage & Conscience: Timothy finds himself struck with grief and facing the task of fathering six after the unexpected passing of his wife. Dr. Laura: "Being β€œstrong”...

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Call of the Day Podcast: Should I Call Their Parents?
By Dr. Laura on August 11, 2021

Week of Character, Courage & Conscience: Kate worries if she should inform the parents of her teen daughter’s friends who were caught vaping and hiding alcohol. Dr. Laura: "Be less...

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Call of the Day Podcast: How Do I Say Goodbye?
By Dr. Laura on August 10, 2021

Week of Character, Courage & Conscience: Tara is visiting her dying grandfather but doesn’t know what to say to him. Dr. Laura: "What would you like to hear on your deathbed?"

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Call of the Day: Should I Come Out Of Retirement To Save Lives?
By Dr. Laura on August 10, 2021

Week of Character, Courage & Conscience: Terry is questioning ending his retirement and returning to the medical field to aid in the battle against the pandemic.Dr. Laura: "True heroes...

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Call of the Day: Is It Okay To Have Feelings As A First Responder?
By Dr. Laura on August 9, 2021

Week of Character, Courage and Conscience: Jason is a first responder who witnessed a terrible car accident while off-duty. He finds himself overwhelmed by his feelings, but isn't sure if...

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Call of the Day Podcast: Should I Defend My Mom Against My Sister?
By Dr. Laura on June 25, 2021

Sandy believes that her sister and niece are treating Sandy's mother improperly, but she's not sure what to do about it. Dr. Laura: "Under no circumstances should you stand by and allow...

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Call of the Day Podcast: Is it Right to Be a Whistleblower?
By Dr. Laura on June 6, 2021

Jessica is worried about how her brother is going to react when he finds out that she has told the truth about something he did wrong. Dr. Laura: "Have the courage of your convictions to...

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Call of the Day Podcast: I Want to Back Out of My Agreement
By Dr. Laura on May 30, 2021

20-year-old Saylor wants to get out of her commitment to move in with an acquaintance after learning that the girl's parents plan to come over all of the time. Dr. Laura: "Face her...

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Call of the Day Podcast: My Family is Happier
By Dr. Laura on March 28, 2021

Yvette recently started listening to Dr. Laura, and she says that she, her husband and their children are all thriving thanks to the advice she has started to implement. Dr. Laura: "Your...

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