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Topic: Divorce


Call of the Day Podcast: My Ex Isn’t the Best Mom
By Dr. Laura on May 4, 2023

Steve says his ex-wife was terrible to live with, but he wants to help his teenage daughter find a way to co-exist with her.

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Call of the Day Podcast: I Didn't See the Signs
By Dr. Laura on April 24, 2023

Dr. Laura helps Patricia understand how recognizing the red flags while dating could have helped her avoid her bad marriage.

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Call of the Day Podcast: My Ex's New Wife Wants to Meet
By Dr. Laura on April 14, 2023

LaPhyllis has been caught off guard by her ex-husband's wife's request to go out to eat together. Should she go?

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Call of the Day Podcast: I Stayed Married to a Cheater
By Dr. Laura on February 10, 2023

Natalie wants to understand why she has never felt able to leave her husband who started cheating on her 21 years ago.

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Call of the Day Podcast: I Killed My Marriage
By Dr. Laura on February 8, 2023

Curtis says his wife is divorcing him over his cheating, selfish ways, but Dr. Laura thinks there's a chance he can turn things around.

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Call of the Day Podcast: Do I Tell My Kids About Their Dad's Affair?
By Dr. Laura on January 4, 2023

Naomi is divorcing her husband and would like to know if it's necessary to explain his affair to their children.

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Email of the Day: The REAL Emotional Toll on Children of Divorce
By Dr. Laura on December 5, 2022

I left my husband when my child was six months old. He had a girlfriend that he refused to give up. If I would have chosen wisely, I would never have been in that position. All the signs...

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Call of the Day Podcast: My Ex Threw Me a Curve Ball
By Dr. Laura on September 20, 2022

How should Kordae proceed since discovering that her ex-husband asked their boys not to tell her that he knocked up his new girlfriend? πŸ’‘Dr. Laura: "Encourage your sons to come to you...

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Call of the Day Podcast: I Can't Shake My Unhappiness
By Dr. Laura on August 1, 2022

Andrew feels like he's walking through life with a mask, hiding the degree to which he's sad and lonely. πŸ’‘Dr. Laura: "Stop trying to make reasonable feelings go away."

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