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Topic: Do The Right Thing

Do The Right Thing

Email of the Day: I Told My Dad About My Mom’s Affair
By Dr. Laura on February 24, 2023

I’m 43 now, but when I was 20, I discovered my mother’s online emotional affair. I was close with both my mom and my dad, and was at a loss what to do. My boyfriend (now husband of 22...

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Do The Right Thing

Email of the Day: I Found a Silver Lining in Betrayal
By Dr. Laura on January 26, 2023

My husband and I were close friends with a group of people throughout our early twenties. Eight months after we married, I got pregnant. We had agreed that I’d be a stay-at-home mom, but...

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Do The Right Thing

Email of the Day: I Fearlessly Stood up for What Was Right
By Dr. Laura on January 25, 2023

At the beach over the summer, I watched two little brothers under the age of 10 rough-housing in the surf. Their father watched from a short distance away. The wife was there too, but not...

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Do The Right Thing

Email of the Day: Not Everyone Will Like Us
By Dr. Laura on January 18, 2023

A friend told me I was a very polarizing person. Once she said it, she was very embarrassed, tried to tell me how many people loved me, and that I shouldn’t worry about people not liking...

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Do The Right Thing

Email of the Day: I Was Against You Even Without Listening
By Dr. Laura on January 17, 2023

The first time I ever heard you, I thought you sounded scary and mean, so I turned the radio off!

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Do The Right Thing

Email of the Day: β€œTrying” Is for People With No Backbone
By Dr. Laura on January 6, 2023

When my husband announced to me he was quitting drinking and beginning AA, I said to him, β€œSo, what was the tipping point?” To which he responded, β€œI don’t even want to admit this, but...

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Do The Right Thing

Call of the Day Podcast: Should I Donate My Kidney?
By Dr. Laura on December 16, 2022

#24 - Top 40 Countdown '22: Eric is planning to donate a kidney to his cousin but is struggling with his weight and other health issues in preparation. Dr. Laura: "No one is morally...

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Do The Right Thing

Email of the Day: Doing the Right Thing at a Bachelor Party
By Dr. Laura on December 14, 2022

You were the last thing on my mind when I accepted an invitation to join a friend’s bachelor party at a nearby hotel.

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Do The Right Thing

Email of the Day: A $20 Bill Gave Me True Joy
By Dr. Laura on November 29, 2022

A long time ago, I was at a tire store having service done on my truck. The manager was helping a young lady who appeared to be about 7 months pregnant. Her car was rather old, and she...

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