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Topic: Do The Right Thing

Do The Right Thing

Email of the Day: Iโ€™m Glad My Parents Didnโ€™t Give Me Everything
By Dr. Laura on August 24, 2022

My parents live by your morals and values, and I used to despise them for it. I always knew better, of course. I thought about shacking up with a boyfriend when I was 17. My parents said...

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Do The Right Thing

Email of the Day: I Do The Right Thing Because Itโ€™s The Right Thing to Do
By Dr. Laura on August 2, 2022

Iโ€™ve worked in the mental health field for my entire 30-year career. Iโ€™ve worked with kids in residential placements, did crisis work with children and adults, and now Iโ€™m a therapist...

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Do The Right Thing

Email of the Day: 3 Important Lessons I Learned From You
By Dr. Laura on July 8, 2022

I have listened to you for over 30 years โ€“ first in the United States, then in Germany and now in South Africa. Here are the most important lessons Iโ€™ve learned from you:

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Do The Right Thing

Email of the Day: Our Unmarried Daughter Got Pregnant
By Dr. Laura on July 6, 2022

Almost 40 years ago, we adopted our first two daughters at birth, about two years apart. Weโ€™ve never felt that they are were anything other than our children. They knew early on that they...

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Do The Right Thing

Email of the Day: Popular Culture is Harmful to Girls
By Dr. Laura on June 22, 2022

I see popular culture harming girls from before the cradle all the way to the grave. I am the father of adopted twin daughters. โ€œAdoptedโ€ is relevant, since todayโ€™s culture almost resulted...

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Do The Right Thing

Email of the Day: I Want To Make My Dad (And You) Proud
By Dr. Laura on June 17, 2022

My late father wrote me this letter when I was in my late teens, and as much as I hear his voice, I also hear yours, as we often listened to you together:

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Do The Right Thing

Email of the Day: Iโ€™m Proud I Got Fired for Doing the Right Thing
By Dr. Laura on June 14, 2022

I worked in human resources for a not-for-profit organization in benefits administration. During an audit, we found an application from a critically ill employee that was unsigned. When...

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Do The Right Thing

Email of the Day: I Didnโ€™t Compromise My Integrity
By Dr. Laura on June 10, 2022

I worked in California for a company based on the east coast. My job was to get farmers to sell us product for our processing plant. I had a contract to offer that was less attractive than...

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Do The Right Thing

Email of the Day: My Daughter Sounded Just Like You
By Dr. Laura on May 25, 2022

Iโ€™ve been listening to you for three years. When we get in the car, my daughter tries to change the channel, because she thinks you are too harsh. This past year, sheโ€™s been struggling...

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