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Topic: Inspiration


Email of the Day: Spread Joy With Your Smile
By Dr. Laura on July 27, 2023

In my first assignment as an Army nurse, I was stationed at a hospital in what was then West Germany. Every day, as I got ready to enter the ward on which I worked, Iโ€™d find the usual...

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Call of the Day Podcast: I'm Back in the Saddle!
By Dr. Laura on July 4, 2023

In this follow-up call, Olivia shares the good news of how, with Dr. Laura's encouragement, she has returned to her love of painting.

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Call of the Day Podcast: Out of the Classroom, Into the Home
By Dr. Laura on June 30, 2023

One of my favorite callers, high school teacher โ€œMiss B.โ€ shares how she's taking the Dr. Laura values she's taught for years and applying them to her personal life.

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Email of the Day: Donโ€™t Lose Your Identity After Your Kids Are Grown
By Dr. Laura on June 26, 2023

Iโ€™ve heard mothers call who say they โ€œhad no identityโ€ after their children grew up. Iโ€™m married almost 41 years, and Iโ€™m here to tell you that I have enough โ€œidentityโ€ to fill a dozen...

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Email of the Day: What Makes an Exceptional Student
By Dr. Laura on June 13, 2023

As one who has spent a long time in school and then taught college students, I have seen every type of student. As the school year winds down, I started thinking about what makes an...

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Call of the Day Podcast: You've Been a Surrogate Mom
By Dr. Laura on May 19, 2023

Meredith shares with Dr. Laura how listening to her โ€œmotherlyโ€ advice over the years has helped keep alive the memory of her own mom, who died years ago.

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Email of the Day: I Used to Resent My Brother
By Dr. Laura on May 16, 2023

I am 31 years old, married to my husband for 11 years, and we have three boys. My husband and I started our lives together very young and struggled a lot in the beginning. We now live a...

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Email of the Day: I Accepted My Shortcomings
By Dr. Laura on May 8, 2023

I compete in a shotgun shooting sport called โ€œSporting Clays,โ€ and itโ€™s become a passion for me. Several months ago, you spoke to someone about competing, and your comments really hit home...

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Email of the Day: I Stopped Making Excuses
By Dr. Laura on April 20, 2023

Early in our marriage, I worked nights and my wife was a teacher. After listening to you, I quit my night job, got a day job, and my wife became a stay-at-home mom. When our three boys...

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