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Letters From Listeners

Appreciate the Good Dads

Hi Dr. Laura, 

I am a widowed mom of 4 great kids. 

During my entire childhood, my dad was a horrible person. He would use our social security numbers to get credit cards to pull cash out and then walk away from paying them back. By the time I was 18, I had horrible credit due to what my dad did. I left home at 17 and never looked back. 

Once I got married and had children, I decided to give my dad another chance because my mom asked me to. It was ok for a while, but when my mom died, Dad went back to his old ways. I wouldn't let him use my car anymore because he had his driver's license suspended. Because of that, he has tried to ruin my life, get me fired, and get me put in jail - anything to mess up my life. Restraining orders don't help. The police simply believe he is just old and mad - won't do anything to help me. 

My point is if you have a good father who truly loves you, appreciate him. On a daily basis, I get letters telling me that I should have been aborted; that I am a horrible excuse of a person and how my kids don't deserve to have a roof over their head. All this because I would not break the law for him and allow him to drive a car without a valid driver's license. He is 84 years old and I hate to say it, but I know this won't stop until he passes away. Appreciate the good dads because my life is a living hell with a bad one. 


Tags: Attitude, Behavior, Mental Health, Parenting, Values
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