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Letters From Listeners

He-Man Girly-Girl and Pink Guns

Hi Dr. Laura,

I very much enjoyed your telling us about your pink camo gun bag. Your shooting lessons and loving pink reminds me of my daughter, now 25.

She quit Girl Scouts because Boy Scouts had the adventures. The moment she was old enough to be a Boy Scout leader she dove in, full of passion and love for adventure!

One day I about had a heart attack, she was 6 years old, when I saw she had climbed a tree, wearing a dress and roller skates.

So no surprise to us she is a police officer. For a graduation present from the police academy we got her a pink .45. It was a perfect gift and she totally loves it!! LOL I don't remember the brand of gun, I'm sorry. I'm just learning about guns. I'm going to a concealed carry class toward the end of this month.

Thank you for being a great example of excellence and adventure while being a total woman girly girl!



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