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Letters From Listeners

I Ignored the Red Flags


I saw a lot of them, but chose not to pay any attention to them. Here are the flags I should have paid attention to:

  • The woman I fell for wasn't family friendly. Meaning, she was separated from her family. 

  • Then, later when I did meet her girls, the middle child was quick to tell me she "wasn't going to call me Daddy!

  • The youngest said she liked how her "Momma acted around me", because "she didn't curse like she normally does." 

  • The oldest girl was staying with her lover, and stripping to make money 

All these red flags and I still married her; thinking love will conquer all! Boy was I in for a rude awakening!

As soon as we married, I realized just what kind of person she really is. She had a whole set of rules I knew nothing about, until I started breaking them. Boy, what was I thinking!?

Sometimes you just got to know when to cut and run!

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Tags: Attitude, Behavior, Choose Wisely-Treat Kindly, Dating, Divorce, Marriage, Personal Responsibility
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