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Email of the Day

Newton's Third Law of Motion

Dr. Laura,

It is true, when a woman stops acting like a lady she will stop being treated like one. When I was in high school, among the boys, the girl who was the most loose in morals was the one who had the lowest compliments. I'm using as modest of words, without being vulgar, as possible.

I open doors for a woman or give preference to her in line. She may not be a lady, but I do it because I intend always to be a gentleman. It's amazing that women act as they do and then are offended because of the reactions they get from men. I see sloppy dressed women who don't seem to have any self-respect. I see young girls dressed like they belong in a brothel and yet they wonder why they are treated like whores.

There is a law, discovered by Newton, that doesn't seem to have any bearing upon the subject, but if you think about it for a moment you will get the picture. "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Many girls act beneath them thinking they will get a certain reaction and wonder why it is not what they wanted.


Tags: Dating, Education, Read On-Air, Relationships, Social Issues, Values
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