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Email of the Day

Taking A Step Back

Hi, Dr. Laura:

I have an 8 year old son and a 6 year old daughter.  They're good little kids with lively personalities, but sometimes they drive me nuts!  I was going to write you with a parenting question about how to stop being so critical of them and to be more loving, when I stopped and realized I had answered my own question!

Listening to you these past few months has helped me gain so much clarity in my marriage and in my parenting, but I'm a work-in-progress.  I try to ask myself "What Would Jesus Do," but also "What Would Dr. Laura Say," and it helps me keep things in perspective.  

They are KIDS, and even though my son chews with his mouth open and my daughter throws a fit every time I try to fix her hair, they also give the BEST hugs and are never boring!  Being their mom is a true privilege, and it's up to me to be the kind of mom I want to be.  I do not want to screw this up!

So, thanks for NOT answering my question, and for just doing your job helping people take a step back and examine their own behavior and the choices they make in their life.

Tags: Attitude, Behavior, Marriage, Parenting, Stress
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