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Oct 14, 2019 - Hour 1
Are You Glorifying Being Busy?, Today on Dr. Laura / Sara and her family moved to California for her husband's career, but the cost of living is overwhelming! Should they attempt to better balance their budget or pack their bags for home?
Oct 14, 2019 - Hour 2
Tara's 8-year-old daughter is inquiring about the "birds and the bees". How can Tara best explain to her child how the whole process of reproduction works?
Oct 14, 2019 - Hour 3
Matt's 19-year-old son is working full-time and living at home. At what point should Matt encourage his son to "leave the nest" for his own place to live?
Oct 11, 2019 - Hour 1
Thriving as a Stay-at-Home Mom, Today on Dr. Laura / Maria is a recovering alcoholic and feels guilty having left things on bad terms with friends and family. How can Maria come to terms and make amends to move forward in life?
Oct 11, 2019 - Hour 2
Christy's great-grandmother's funeral is conflicting with her planned family cruise. Should Christy skip the non-refundable cruise or go enjoy time with her family?
Oct 11, 2019 - Hour 3
What mantra have you adopted since listening to Dr. Laura? John says "if you live at the beach, don't complain about sand in your shoes!"
Oct 10, 2019 - Hour 1
Don't Tell Your Children They're Competent, Today on Dr. Laura / Dan was asked to bartend a wedding, but now has a conflict with the passing of a friend. What is the right thing for Dan to do in this untimely scheduling dilemma?
Oct 10, 2019 - Hour 2
Faith wants to get married seeing many of her friends doing so, but her boyfriend is not ready to take vows. Should she remain patient or call it quits on this relationship?
Oct 10, 2019 - Hour 3
Lisa is concerned about her husband's desire to hire a younger woman for his real estate business. How can Lisa express her unhappiness with this situation and avoid a fight?
Oct 9, 2019 - Hour 1
Your Wake-Up Call, Today on Dr. Laura / Sarah's husband has accepted a new job an hour away from home. Should Sarah move her family closer to his work or stay put?