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Letters From Listeners

After a Job Loss

Hi Dr Laura,

I'm in my late 50's and was reorganized along with 299 others from a large Fortune 500 company that I had been with for 12 years. It seems that older employees are among the first to be let go as their salaries are commonly higher and their insurance premiums are higher as well. Of course, in order to receive the severance package you must sign the "will not sue" document. It is the first time being without a job for me since completing college. I inherently knew, however, that with my skill set I would be working again within 3 months, tops!

That was 6 months ago. I have been networking and using the job sites to respond to opportunities as they come up. I have sent 170 resumes in this time frame and may have had 9-10 interviews. Only now, within the last two weeks, I have been offered two high quality positions. I have accepted one and will begin Sept 30.

The most positive thing I did to find my job, STAY POSITIVE AND FOCUSED on working to find that job: network and work diligently daily in scouring the job boards. It will come.



A loyal member of your fan club

Tags: Attitude, Behavior, Job, Values
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