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Email of the Day

I Refuse To Compromise My Values

Dr. Laura:

I was born to a teenage mother who did the right thing at nineteen years old and married my biological father, becoming a stay-at-home mom and thus creating as stable and happy a home life for me as she possibly could.  She's been a devoted listener of your program since around the time I was born, and my parents are still happily married to this day.

I'm now 29 years old and single.  I'm beginning to lose hope of ever finding a "real man" like my father.  He has always taken care of his family, never shying away from his responsibilities and duty to protect us.  I've never had unprotected sex, never been a "shack up honey," never had a child out of wedlock, and I could never, ever imagine being the sort of woman who would have her unborn baby "sucked into a sink."  

Sadly, I've only encountered losers who have no respect or value for women, because they've become used to getting everything for free.  You're right - men don't value what they don't have to work for.  I wish more women would listen to you and follow your advice because so many are out there screwing things up for themselves and their children and for women like me.  Why ANY woman would settle for being "disposable" is beyond me.  

I would have been completely lost if my parents hadn't had some sense of morality and married at the time they knew they were going to be parents.  It breaks my heart, but I won't compromise my values and neither should anyone else.  If I end up not finding a real man, I'll make the best of my life with friends and hobbies and a dog, but it's no substitute for a real family.  Thank you, Dr. Laura for being a tower of strength and a voice of conviction in a sea of scum.  I hand out your books to friends and family every chance I get!


Tags: Attitude, Behavior, Dating, Parenting, Values, Women's Point of View
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