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Email of the Day

THIS Is Romance

On Valentine's Day, my husband left me a packet of Google Earth images in my car, and he had listed "where and why" next to each image.  The images were places where important milestones had taken place in our relationship.  There were quite a few of them, and it made my heart melt.  THIS was romance!

I always cringe when I hear some of the young women who call you complain that their husbands don't bring them flowers/candy or jewelry.  I wish they would understand that true and deep love is not what they read about or what their friends tell them or what they get in the way of gifts.  Those are fleeting.  True love is shown in what my husband left in my car, because he took the time to show how much he valued and appreciated all that we have gone through as a couple.  I don't want the other stuff.  I want what I received on Valentine's Day.

My husband has my heart, and he is careful with protecting it.  Please keep saying that men just want to be loved, cared for and listened to (sex is good too)!  My marriage has been so much better once I "got" that and understood it, all thanks to you.

Tags: Attitude, Behavior, Choose Wisely-Treat Kindly, Marriage, Relationships, Values, Women's Point of View
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