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Letters From Listeners

Video Games

Thought you would get a hoot out of this.

We are raising 3 of our grandsons, working our way through the obstacles as they come. Our 11-year-old was recently invited to a new friend's house after school. After meeting the mother and making the arrangements, off little Billy went. When he came home he shared that the other boy had video games in his room and wanted to play a rated "M" game, which of course Billy is not allowed to play. Billy had the courage to say he couldn't play that game and the boys found something else to do. He also went on to tell me "ALL the kids in 5th grade play that game" and this little boy's mom didn't want her son to feel left out so she bought him the game.

After praising him for making good choices, I added with a smile, "You do know I really don't care if you feel left out, we are not buying you the game."...Nice try, kiddo.


Tags: Character-Courage-Conscience, Parenting, Personal Responsibility, Raising Boys to Men, Values
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